Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Willy The Dreamer

 "Willy The Dreamer" by Anthony Browne

Character: Willy, the one on the cover

I don't think there is a plot actually, the book just relates the dreams of Willy, that's all.

Besides this, I think it's a really colorful and full of reference.
For example:
The page when Willy dreams of being a painter 
(There is no pages number actually...
I believe that, each page show different dreams, different moment, the pages themselves are shown as individuals (this is how I see this book)).

Recounts me of the painter "Van Gogh" 

This page reminds me of "Alice in Wonderland",
The monkey sitting on the top of the wall reminds me of "Humpty Dumpty"

and the "This is not a hat" written on the yellow hat reminds me of
"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" of René Magritte or "This is not a pipe" in english.

So this is not a hat, actually means it's a picture of a Hat.
"The treachery of images":
people have to be aware of their surrounding, because what they believe might not be real.
What they see may not be real too,
In brief appearances are deceptive.

Also, I also like the part when they say "Sometimes Willy dreams that he can't run"
Well, how about if we change the verb "dreams"by "has a nightmare"?
We sometimes experience fear in our dream,

I had many uncomfortable "Dreams" too
I "dreamed"about Death, Fire, lost, loneliness...
They were horrible, but interesting because each time I wake up, I feel really grateful and lucky.

My sister and I sometimes argue. Sometimes over trivial matter, sometimes because of our divergent outlook on life or divergent opinions.
Or just because of my bad temper and my skill to get upset quite easily (Especially with her, I don't know why but I just do).

Well anyway, sometimes I just feel "sisterly" hostility toward her sometimes not.
So, I had a "Dream" that my sister was dead, and I cried like a water fountain, I felt terribly sorrowful, terribly sad.

and then I woke up...
Besides me were lying that "idiot" I was crying over in my "Dream"

Well, she might be an idiot sometimes, but I felt really relief when I woke up,
I was afraid of losing my sister.

Actually, I love her very much even though she is can be really annoying at moment.

In this book, Willy dreamed of a lot of things.
He experienced, fear, happiness, excitement, curiosity, nostalgia, apprehension, expectation...
a bunch of mixed feelings together.

Dreaming can be nice or horrible
Sometimes in my dreams,
I can be reluctant of doing something.
Dreams are like reality for us, we are not even aware we are dreaming.

If I have the chance to recount what I dreamed of last night,
I will question myself, about why didn't I do this or that.
Because after all, it was all a dream, it was not real.

But my fears were real, that's the point.
I almost felt vulnerable and hopeless in a dream of mine, in a world that doesn't even exist.

Dreams really are interesting.

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